My Story
A thoroughly Canadian girl, I have loved living in beautiful British Columbia for most of my life. There is always a forest within easy reach and if you look closely, you’ll find trees and/or leaves in much of my art. My esteem for them is real!
I grew up as an artsy kid and fondly recall painting with my Grandma as a child. With the busyness of raising a family, the art supplies got left on the shelf for many years. I now paint from the experience of seeing God use art as a healing agent in my life.
My career began as a Social Worker and this bent, along with my lucky art gene has led to my passion for using art to slow down. I’m earnest in spreading the word in my own small way that art can help us humans manage both our good and hard stories. I paint in an ever-evolving watercolour style while trying out acrylic and mixed-media now and then.