Plant a Tree


It was 9 years ago that we packed up our four rag tag kids, ages 11-18, and left the comforts of home for Chiang Mai, Thailand.  To keep family and friends up to date I started “Tuesdays in Thailand”; a blog “ish” type of communication but using good, old fashioned email.  It was well received and forwarded here and there, even to a few strangers.  When we returned a year later, several asked if I would be continuing with the updates.  I stared blankly and thought to myself, “Seriously? Lay out for all the world wide web our nutty day to day life?  I politely managed, “no, not at this time”.  If you had dropped by unexpectedly, you’d likely have found out why this would not be a good idea.  Let’s suffice it to say that the past decade has been a bit of a messy, drama filled life.  I know now that many of us have this kind of life but I just didn’t think mine was going to be sooo messy (and drama filled).

Back to carrying on with the blog idea…. looking back now, I guess I should of.  People blog, I’ve discovered, about all sorts of crazy stuff.  AND, blogging hit the stratosphere and I missed the rocket ride!  To be honest it has been on my mind since my “Tuesdays” days as something I would like to do, but I’ve been waiting for that magic moment when I get my act together!  When life is tidier.  As that moment does not appear to be coming down the chute anytime soon I recently said to myself, “be WILD, start a blog, crazy, wild person that you are”.

I’ve always liked the saying “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is now”.  And so, it’s now.  I’m a bit of an old timer for starting a blog but I don’t say “interweb” too often and I’m resourceful to find people to help me with the remote. I’m attempting a move forward with no regrets or “shoulda’s” on board and I’m kicking off today with my first blog post!

Most of us know that even though it might be easier not to let people in, “shared joy is a double joy: shared sorrow is half sorrow” – Swedish Proverb (love those Swedes, and one in particular ). My deep desire and prayer is that this blog and website and our lives be encouraging to you. There’s no doubt that this life is quite a trek but it’s nice to have a friend to trip with.
I’d love for you to come along.


Home of the Brave