Ahhhh, summer.  Such a welcome season in the great white north. I’m loving all the flower pictures that are being posted on social media – their beauty just fills me up!  Would you be so kind as to do me a favour and send me any pics of blooms you’ve taken?  (

For the month of July (World Watercolor Month), I’m planning to sketch/paint a flower a day. I'd love it if you'd join me!  Here's some info:


I recently took an online course on how to pitch an arty, non-fiction book. It had great assignments, practical ideas, and a structure for how to write a winning (we hope) proposal.  The only thing left to do now of course, is to actually write it.   

Why am I telling you this?  Without even asking, I am using you as my accountability partner!  I really want to write this book based on the practice and benefits of embracing slow art (definitely NOT going to be the title) so I was thinking if I told people, then it might help me get at it.  To be honest, I’m perhaps exhibiting avoiding behaviours due to some real doubts that it will go anywhere even if I do write it.  Maybe you’ve got a secret project that has you wondering if it’s worth the effort - I'd love to hear about it.  Maybe you’ve tackled your big idea and can spur me on with a story of possibility.



A quick update on my gallery show that took place in May.  The opening event was so much fun, and I really appreciated how many people dropped by to take a look and say hello. If you’re not familiar with the exhibit, it is 26 mixed media, nature inspired paintings based on the alphabet.  

Due to the large number of pieces in the collection, I wasn’t anticipating selling it at the gallery as its appeal will be to a very niche audience.   As this newsletter seems to be turning into THREE THINGS to request of readers (reminder THING ONE - send me flower pics and THING TWO - hold me accountable to pitch a book idea), I’d like to ask one more favour.  This series would be a perfect installation for a library, children’s ward of a hospital, school, community centre, etc and if you happen to have a contact that may be interested, I’d love if you would send them my way!  

Here's a few of the paintings to give you an idea.

Happy summer days ahead!  


Slow Art Sunday - Degas


Slow Art Sunday - O’Keeffe