Slow Art Sunday - Raphael
Today, Slow Art Sunday brings you a painting from an era that celebrated a spirit of artistic exploration and curiosity. Raphael’s “St. George and the Dragon” exemplifies the Renaissance focus on beauty and storytelling and was chosen to be featured today by the grandest boy as he looked through my Renaissance Go Fish cards 😊.
The painting was part of a larger altarpiece commissioned for the Chapel of St. George in Italy in approximately 1504. As a saint, George represented virtue and, in this scene, the triumph of good over evil (characterized by the dragon).
Raphael would have been chosen for the job for his extensive artistic training. His accomplishments were numerous and far reaching and he had remarkable career as an artist. Despite his life being cut short at the age of 37 from illness, Raphael was one of the great masters of the Renaissance and his legacy endures through his many works of art. This particular painting is housed at the National Gallery in Washington, DC.
Take some time to look closely and perhaps be inspired by Raphael to have the courage to explore and master your craft (whatever it is!).
#slowartsunday #slowart #raphael #stgeorgeandthedragon #renaissanceart #dragons #masteryourcraft #nationalgallerywashingtondc #slowartflow