TAKE NOTE - The Next Right Thing


Back in August when the air was warm and wildflowers were blooming, my husband and I went for a walk in the woods behind our home.  I found it so inspiring that I came home with my weedy bouquet and wrote a little prose about the experience.  That led to painting a mixed media piece on the theme of wildflowers.  One thing led to another and suddenly I was painting and writing my way through the alphabet.  Now, almost six months later I have nearly completed the project and it’s been an enormously pleasant experience.

About the same time as my alphabet project inspiration, I had decided to try pursuing my art as a business venture.  I wasn’t exactly sure how to make that happen but I had a terrific first project underway.   It gave great structure to my days as I’ve known for some time that H comes after G and so on.

I know at the end of this art task are looming business-y challenges of which I know very little (or maybe nothing!).  Should I make it into a book?  Should I sell the paintings individually?  Will someone want paintings with matching stories that hold an outrageous number of alliterations?  Will anyone want any of it at all?  These are the questions I’m pondering today.  My basic approach when I have no idea where something is heading is to take one wee step at a time and chip away at the process.  The next right thing is around here somewhere.


TAKE NOTE - The Good Ol’ Days


TAKE NOTE - Slowing Life Down