Slow Art Sunday - Whistler
Today Slow Art Sunday would like to bring you a painting that not only transformed the art world but led to a dramatic court battle. In 1875, American-born artist James McNeill Whistler created “Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket”.
This beautiful impressionist painting (in my favourite colours) captures a night scene of fireworks over London’s River Thames. Whistler’s goal was to focus more on the light, colour and atmosphere than the specific subject matter. This departure from realism as well as the practice of using art as a means of teaching, led to a widespread change where enjoying the visual experience became more the focus.
This change was not necessarily appreciated by everyone. John Ruskin, a journalistic critic, was openly condemning of the price Whistler asked for “flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face”. Whistler sued and won his case, however, did not come out ahead financially and in fact, declared bankruptcy due to the court costs. Oh, the drama!
The best thing about the painting is how it transports us to a mesmerizing night scene. Take some time to look closely and imagine yourself experiencing a warm evening full of dazzling bursts of light.
#jamesmcneillwhistler #nocturneinblackandgoldthefallingrocket #slowartsunday #slowart #turquoise #slowartflow #slowartflow