Slow Art Sunday - Matisse

Today Slow Art Sunday would like to present Henri Matisse, who famously said “creativity takes courage”.  Confidence is definitely what he had when he painted “The Open Window” in 1905.

Although trained at esteemed art schools in traditional artistic techniques, he emerged as a leader in the Fauvism (meaning wild beasts) movement. Bold, non-natural use of colour and simplified forms were the signature of this style. This view from his window on the south coast of France is bursting with creative license to do whatever he wants and leaves us with a joyful curiosity of the location.

Matisse lived to be 84 and in his later years, when illness confined him to a wheelchair or bed, he began creating with scissors and paper.  This fresh art form known as “cut-outs” became a whole new body of work for him.  Always supported in his art by family and friends, he had a strong will to continue creating despite health challenges. Matisse is celebrated for his innovation, beautiful figures and scenes, and is the perfect example of a courageous artist.

#slowartsunday #slowart #henrimatisse #fauvism #colourfulart #cutouts #slowartflow


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